I am amazed at how quickly my memory of my babies fades! The main reason I started this blog was as an attempt to better remember what they were like throughout the different ages. So I plan to start going back and chronicle memories of them.
Going back to Elise as a baby, one of the first things I remember is how sleepy she was. This is just typical of all babies, I know. But I really wasn't prepared for such a snoozer. Feeding Elise was just about always a battle for about the first month and a half because of this. She just didn't want to wake up to eat. She would begin her meal, and without fail, in a minute or two she would be out like a light. We tried everything - tickling her feet, getting her naked, changing her diaper - you name it. But to no avail. It often took close to an hour to get her to finish a meal because it took that much effort to keep her awake.
Joel on the other hand, while a sleepy head as well, was a great eater as a newborn. He loved to eat and ate very quickly. Meal times usually took no longer than 20 or 30 minutes. I have to say that with Joel, nightime feedings were a lot less dreaded!
Even now I can see the difference in their sleepiness play out. Joel is a great sleeper and sleeps great at night and pretty well during naps (although that did take some work). But Elise really needs her sleep. Though she is almost 2 years older, she still usually sleeps more than Joel. And when she doesn't get enough sleep, it quickly shows. It's interesting how much you can see individual traits and personalities play out so early on.
One thing I remember about both of them as sleeping newborns was that they both smiled a lot while they slept. Again, I know this is often typical for babies, but it doesn't make it any less precious to see. Both of my kids took a while before they smiled while awake, but we got lots of views of them smiling in their sleep. We figured they must have been dreaming of milk!
(Original post 11-14-08)
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