One of the things I love about my girl Elise is that she is incredibly creative. She is always coming up with new ideas for art, new ways to use objects around the house, and new ways to accessorize. She is truly an accessory girl - much unlike myself! The more, the better in her mind. And no matter what she wears, she often comes up with a look that is one of a kind.
Take today for example. We were going to the park with some friends and she decided she wanted to dress up in a cute little summer outfit - a yellow skirt and matching halter top given to her by her great-grandpa and grandma. She asked for two braids in her hair, and then added a little headband - which by the way is a headband intended for newborns. She found several about a year ago and decided that they fit her just fine, so she likes to wear one or more of them often.
Then her creativity began to really flow. She brought me a pink ribbon and asked me to tie it around her waste, like a belt. It seemed a little odd to me, but I love to encourage her creativity so I agreed. Minutes later she came to me with a super long blue ribbon and made the same request again. So I again agreed, having to wrap it around her waste twice because of the length. Then she decided she wanted to wear her tennis shoes with the outfit and picked out pink socks to match. She doesn't like her socks folded - she actually prefers them hiked all the way up. I have tried to explain to her that it looks a little silly. She doesn't agree, but she met me half way and let me scrunch them down a little bit. Her look today was completed with an oregon sweatshirt that her grandma bought her because it was a little too cool this morning to go out in a halter top alone.
As I looked at my cutie bug I saw, for Elise, a pretty normal sight - a very unique attire that illustrated who she is to a tee - and would fit quite well into the 80s scene as well! Every once in a while there is a part of me that wants to tame down her expressive looks (and there are times I might step in just a little), but I want to encourage her to be the way God has created her to be. I love my kiddo!!
(Original post 10-17-08)
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