Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Just as I sat down to write this my little Erik began screaming over something and then proceeded to hit Joel, lol! Not that I find his behavior amusing. It is anything but. But it is humorously evidence of the fact that our Erik is a wee bit groucier than his older siblings. What really is amusing is that Erik has a very mellow, easy going side. He is always so well behaved and quiet in the nursery at church. But at home I think being the youngest, and often being not heard or misunderstood or mistreated by Joel or Elise has resulted in him taking extreme measures to be heard. Words...what are words? Why use them when you can scream at the top of your lungs? We have been working for some time with him to break him of this bad habit, but so far no luck. We will continue to try and pray that the screaming ceases (man, it does get loud here!). But until then we are trying to learn more about this little buddy and how to relate to him, realizing that each of our children are so uniquely wired and there is a whole world to discover about each one of them.

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